What we do
These are examples of some projects that VICCIFN have supported:
VICCIFN Digital Story
Traditional Foods Conferences – Our 6th one is happening in Cowichan on September 27, 28th.
Digital Harvest
The Digital Harvest Project was funded by Health Canada’s Aboriginal Diabetes Initiative and occurred from February to April 2010 in partnership with Snaw-naw-As First Nations. Coordinators put a call out to Elder and youth teams around Vancouver Island. A group of 24 youth and Elders joined together for a two and a half day workshop at the Botanical Gardens in Tofino B.C. The focus of the event was to build relationships and experience the old ways and how modern cultures have affected the food, land and cultures of Aboriginal People on Vancouver Island.
The days were spent learning about First Nations history and pre-colonization practices, and learning, cooking, eating and harvesting together. Digital stories about health, diabetes and food were also shared. The process of creating a digital story was introduces and each team were encouraged to start thinking about their own story. The team was then given a digital camera and encouraged over the next 6 weeks to start thinking and creating their own food story. The group met again for a 2 day digital story telling training in Victoria where they produced a total of 22 digital stories* that were then shown at the annual Traditional Foods of Vancouver Island conference held at the University of Victoria First Peoples’ House from April 16–‐ 17th 2010.
More digital stories can be viewed on the Vancouver Island & Coastal Communities Indigenous Food Network (VICCIFN) YouTube Channel.
Sharing our Voices
Purpose: Reach out and consult with three key cultural groups on VI by hosting three traditional gatherings; commit a designated representative to participate in Hub activities with VIHA; closing report of output and outcome measures; outreach strategy for VI, and; increase awareness of VICCIFN on VI in 2013.
Highlights: Events and activities must focus on building relationships around food and food initiatives; facilitate the sharing of knowledge or skills; provide a culturally safe and community directed learning environment; focuses on Indigenous foods, land, culture, and teaching; provides hands on learning activities; highlight a successful community program; Provide a support network for food champions; Link people to VICCIFN and its activities; Create a base of community programs to share at the Indigenous Foods Conference.
Photovoice! Over the winter we held a Photovoice contest inviting people to submit photos and short descriptions that tell their story about food security/safety/sovereignty. Below are the winning entries. View the full gallery on our Facebook Page.
Here is a link to the facebook album of photos from the Sharing Our Voice Gathering in Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw that Erin Rowsell and Diandra Jurkic-Walls were honoured to participate in back in November: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.468492403212098.105507.342540979140575&type=1&l=b490f89141
Our Final Report will be posted soon!